Friday, January 6, 2012

A Slave to Asthma

January 6, 2012 - after trip to hospital


Becca said...

Oh, no. :-( Hope this isn't for the long-term...

Btw, thank you for these daily posts - your photos speak volumes. (((hugs)))

Creating the best of Me said...

NOT GOOD!!!! Wish i was there to help you

Kathleen said...

This is exactly the type of pictures that my husband has assigned for me to take. No words are necessary the picture in and of itself speaks volumes.

On a side note, where do you find a fuzzy red bath rob with skulls and cross bones on it? LOL Fit's perfectly with the theme of the picture though.

I think that Boss Man, just might have been onto something suggesting you try out doing your blog this way.

(( HUGS ))
P.s. I was sorry to read that you had to do another hospital trip. Breathing is way to over rated. This is coming from someone using oxygen as she types **smiles**